Cara Memasak Niku Udon

Resep Mie Enak

Niku Udon. Niku Udon looks quite simple and, in fact, it is not so hard to make, but the flavor combination of noodles, soup, and the cooked meat is surprisingly but intentionally complicated and delicious. If you go to any Udon restaurant in Japan, Niku Udon is definitely on the menu. Beef udon (Niku Udon) is a Japanese comfort dish made of tender sliced beef seasoned and stir fried on top of warm udon noodle in a savory dashi broth.

Niku Udon The savory dashi broth, well-seasoned beef, caramelized scallion and chewy. For the niku udon: Using a pair of tongs, dip one slice of the beef into the simmering liquid at a time. Cook until no longer pink, five to ten seconds. Kamu bisa membuat Niku Udon memakai 13 bahan dan 3 langkah. Berikut ini cara memasak Niku Udon.

Bahan-bahan untuk memasak Niku Udon

  1. Siapkan 500 gr Mie udon basah (biasanya dijual beku).
  2. 100 gr Daging slice (bisa diganti ayam).
  3. Telur rebus.
  4. Kamu perlu Rajangan daun bawang.
  5. Sediakan Cabai rawit iris jika suka.
  6. Kamu perlu Kaldu:.
  7. Sediakan 1 lembar konbu (rumput laut tebal ala jepang) ukuran 10x10.
  8. Kamu perlu Segenggam kecil katsuoboshi (ikan cakalang asap ala jepang).
  9. 3 buah jamur shitake kering.
  10. Kamu perlu sesuai selera Shoyu (kecap asin jepang).
  11. Siapkan 2 liter air.
  12. secukupnya Garam.
  13. 2 sdt dashi (kaldu bubuk ikan).

Transfer beef to a plate and repeat process with remaining slices. Pork udon (niku-udon) is a spin on a very traditional Japanese dish, udon, originating from the Edo era. As soon as milling became mechanized, udon dish became one of the easy and widely popular dishes - rice noodles boiled in water and topped with one of the local sauces make for a quick and easy meal. Check out this recipe on beef niku udon.

Tahapan membuat Niku Udon

  1. Rebus udon 1 menit, angkat, tiriskan..
  2. Buat kaldu: Rebus konbu, jamur kering, katsuoboshi dengan 2 liter air sampai air agak menyusut. Saring. Tambahkan shoyu sesuai selera dan garam. Masukkan daging slice selembar demi selembar agar tidak menempel. Masak sebentar asal daging matang. Matikan api..
  3. Penyajian: Letakkan udon di mangkuk, siram dengan kuah kaldu dan irisan daging. Beri potongan telur rebus, taburi dengan daun bawang rajang dan irisan cabai rawit jika suka..

This video will show you how to make Niku Udon, Japanese Udon noodle soup with seasoned beef on top. Here's another tasty udon recipe which takes the humble udon and spices things up with a hearty soup including pork and spring onions. I like to cook an onsen egg or poached egg and add it in for extra flavour and depth. This place is REALLY small, like typical Japanese udon places. We were a party of five so two of us… Untuk saus korea-nya merk CUISINE rasa bullgogi ya Btw kalo ada pertanyaan bisa cuss tulis di comment ya.

Itulah cara memasak Niku Udon. Kalau Bunda punya resep masakan lain yang yummy, silakan kirimkan menu kalian ya, dan komen di bawah kalau resep masakannya Anda suka.