Cara Mudah Membuat You po mian / hot oil chinese noodles

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You po mian / hot oil chinese noodles. The hot oil poured over the top mellows it out a bit, but you still get that spicy hum throughout the dish. If you're not in love with garlic like I am, you can reduce the amount you put in. The preparation of the dish is rather simple.

You po mian / hot oil chinese noodles It's unlike anything you'll find in Chinese take-out. The traditional version of this dish uses wheat noodles, however, by using rice noodles, it becomes both lighter and gluten-free! The traditional, authentic hot oil noodles use wheat noodles. Bunda dapat membuat You po mian / hot oil chinese noodles menggunakan 6 bahan dan 5 langkah. Berikut ini cara memasak You po mian / hot oil chinese noodles.

Bahan yang diperlukan untuk membuat You po mian / hot oil chinese noodles

  1. Siapkan 100 gr homemade noddle (bisa diganti pake mie telor yang biasa pake d rumah).
  2. Kamu perlu Cabe kering (sesuai selera).
  3. Kamu perlu 1/4 sdt Garam.
  4. Sediakan Daun bawang.
  5. Kamu perlu 3 siung bawang putih.
  6. Minyak panas.

If you're familiar with gluten-free flour dough, you probable know it's impossible to make pulled gluten-free noodles. It is even a challenge to make gluten-free noodles at. Get some Shanxi Hot Oil Noodles smoking on your table, sit back and enjoy the delicious aromatic hot and cold Asian flavours. Biang Biang noodles(mian) are a famously delicious snack originating in Shanxi.

Instruksi memasak You po mian / hot oil chinese noodles

  1. Rebus mie 2-3 menit hingga matang.
  2. Tumis cabe kering supaya lebih kering dan pedesnya lebih keluar, kemudian di food processor (beli jadian juga ada tapi pedes dan aromanya tidak sekuat homemade).
  3. Susun mie, garam, bawang putih, daun bawang, cabe kering yg sudah diproses.
  4. Siram minyak panas diatasnya.
  5. Campur merata, bisa dihidangkan dengan bok choy sayur atau telur rebus yang sudah dimarinate menggunakan kecap asin, ngohiong, brown sugar (dimarinate 1 hari).

Picture the noodle dough being thrown loudly(Biang Biang) on the chopping board, stretched. Whip up this easy Chinese recipe for Hot Oil Noodles (You Po Mian). Boil the noodles as per the packet instructions before draining them and setting them aside. Blanche the spinach until they are cooked through and then remove them from the pot and refresh them in ice. Hot oil noodle- Biang Biang mian (Biang Biang noodles) is a very interesting and popular dish in Shaanxi province.

Demikian cara memasak You po mian / hot oil chinese noodles. Jika Bunda punya menu masakan andalah keluarga yang lezat, silakan kirimkan resep kalian ya, dan komen di bawah jika menu masakannya Bunda suka.